Casa da Árvore Psicoterapia
Casa da Árvore Psicoterapia
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Casa da Árvore Psicoterapia

Projecto casa d’árvore

"Do you have the discipline to be a free spirit?"

Gabrielle Roth

The project

Welcome home!

Casa d’árvore emerged in 2014, following a professional and personal turnaround. And this house intends to be your home in both dimensions:
physical home – comfortable, pleasant, peaceful, safe;
emotional home – space for restorative, containing, and trusting relationships.
The I, You, and We, the intersubjective space of the therapeutic relationship.

In this house, there are trees. Trees that represent the process of growth and no growth is safe enough if the roots are not at their base.

Who hasn’t dreamed of a tree house? When we see them, our imagination takes us to ideas of play, shelter, confidence, and refuge, of peace. And so is our house!

A casa d’árvore aims to be a space of comfort and intimacy, safe and comfortable. And it is from this base that we set out to discover.

Carla Ricardo Psicoterapeuta
Carla Ricardo

My name is Carla Ricardo and I was born and raised in Setúbal. I’m part of the middle generation: post April 25th, pre-technological! I decided on my profession from an early age, but it was almost by chance that I started with private practice.

I graduated (pre-Bologna) in Clinical Psychology, from ISPA in 2003 and I am an effective member of the Order of Portuguese Psychologists. My basic orientation was psychoanalytical, but my path has been increasingly directed towards corporal and relational psychotherapy. I have taken several other courses such as introduction to cognitive-behavioral therapy, EMDR, Integrative Mindbody Psychotherapy, Bodynamic Psychotherapy (Association of Bodynamic Psychology).

I started my clinical journey in 2005 with children and young people following my internship. In 2007 I started to work with adults as well. In the last 6 years, I started to dedicate my clinical practice to adults only (from 21 years old).

I identify my professional style along an integrative line and approach issues “by the loosest thread”, according to the pace, structure, and goals of the patient, which may imply different approaches for similar cases (process-oriented).

I am constantly updating and training, through participation in specialization courses, professional and personal supervision. The most recent line of research that I have been particularly attentive to is in the area of ​​the potential of entheogenic substances in improving some resistant psychopathologies.
So I’m a member of SPACE and I closely follow MIND and MAPS, organizations at the forefront of these investigations.

I’m married, I have two kids and three cats! I practiced capoeira for 5 years, currently, I do yoga, dance and meditate (whenever I can!). I really like reading, keeping up with the news, traveling, meeting people… I really like people.
I like music, theater and cinema, photography, and nature. I like experiences. I like challenges. I like human beings, understanding them, and seeing them grow and expand their consciousness.

Are you coming to the house?



Psychotherapy is an empirically validated method of treatment, with a specific theoretical model and its own techniques.

Online Psychotherapy

Aimed at Portuguese people living outside the country, consultations are carried out via skype.

Psychotherapy for Expats

If you are living in Setúbal or nearby and you are feeling sad, anxious or having some difficulties in your relationships, therapy might help.


If you are an intern in clinical or professional psychology, case supervision is important in your training and development.

Intervention areas


Inês Paula Psicoterapeuta

Inês Paula

Hello! My name is Inês Paula and I am a psychotherapist.

Art psychotherapy is a form of emotional and psychological support, which in addition to dialogue, also uses creative expression in the therapy process.

As an art psychotherapist, I seek to encourage the expression and relief of emotional suffering, to help you overcome difficult life periods and adapt to challenging changes that interfere with your emotional stability, identity or life path. My goal is to provide you with a private space for reflection and acceptance where you can express yourself freely, develop a better understanding and relationship with yourself, as well as create healthy ways to manage your emotional difficulties and live a more whole life. , happy and meaningful.

Creative expression in psychotherapy is a door to parts of us that need to be expressed and recognized, opening pathways to emotions, thoughts and experiences that are difficult to access or put into words. Creative expression can be achieved through images, collage, modeling, among many other expressive mediators. It is not necessary to have any experience with art to undergo or benefit from art psychotherapy and although this is not mandatory, you may be surprised at how the creative process can help you get to know yourself better. and initiate positive changes in your life.

My work focuses on values ​​of acceptance, inclusion and collaboration. I completed my Masters in Art Psychotherapy in 2013 at the University of Roehampton in the United Kingdom and have 11 years of clinical experience in the context of individual and group therapy.


Paulo Peixoto

Paulo Pelixo

My name is Paulo Pelixo. I completed a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Clinical and Health Psychology at the University of Évora. Currently, I am also doing a PhD in Psychology at this University. I am an effective member of the Order of Portuguese Psychologists. I completed additional training in Child-Centered Play Therapy, Creative Therapies and Sexology. I completed the first year of Psychotherapy training using the Bodynamic approach. I am a Somatic Experiencing therapist, an innovative and very effective approach that integrates mind and body in intervention in trauma situations.

Throughout my professional career, I had the opportunity to intervene in various contexts and on various issues, namely in the area of ​​violence (sexual abuse and domestic violence) and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights. I also dedicated myself to LGBTI issues. I have carried out interventions both at a community and clinical level. Currently, based on my professional experience, I work as a trainer and in a private clinic, where I work with children, young people and adults.

My goal is to help people, who are experiencing difficulties in relationships with other people or with themselves, to find their balance again. My approach combines aspects of verbal therapies with contributions from other areas in order to respond effectively to the person’s needs. Throughout a therapeutic process, the duration of which varies depending on each situation, we work together to build resources and achieve the defined objectives.

Humor is a fundamental tool in my life. I am passionate about Dance and other body practices. I really like listening. I am curious by nature.


Intervention areas

Where are we

Projecto casa d’árvore



A Psicoterapia é um método de tratamento empiricamente validado, com um modelo teórico específico e técnicas próprias. Existem diversas psicoterapias, sendo as mais conhecidas a Terapia Cognitivo-Comportamental, a Psicanalítica, a Sistémica, Humanista ou Corporal, entre outras. Cada modelo visa ajudar a pessoa e melhorar a sua saúde mental, reduzir sintomas e/ou identificar estratégias para viver de forma o mais saudável possível, em conformidade com a sua personalidade e valores. Nesse sentido, a Psicoterapia NÃO visa a mudança do individuo, mas sim a forma como experiencia e pensa a sua subjetividade. A forma como cada modelo chega a esse lugar de maior adaptação e integração difere, ou seja, cada psicoterapeuta consoante a sua formação de base irá abordar a questão trazida pela pessoa de acordo com esse olhar. Pelo que é fácil entender que não existe uma psicoterapia melhor que outra, mas sim psicoterapias (e psicoterapeutas) diferentes para situações e pessoas diferentes.

O início da minha formação em psicoterapia veio de uma linha psicanalítica e uma boa parte da minha forma de pensar e intervir tem por base este modelo. Porém, dada a diversidade de experiências e formações, considero que a minha abordagem é integrativa. Nos últimos 8 anos, tenho-me dedicado mais à abordagem corporal e relacional, sendo que estou em formação em Psicoterapia Bodynamic, psicoterapia corporal que estuda o desenvolvimento humano nas suas competências motoras e respetivas funções psicológicas. Nas minhas sessões integro os conhecimentos destas duas grandes correntes teóricas, mas também estratégias de terapia cognitivo-comportamental e EMDR.

A sessão poder decorrer de forma tradicional (verbal) e/ou com recurso a exercícios concretos. Como a abordagem é orientada ao processo significa que a forma como a pessoa processa e integra as suas questões (e como se vai desenvolvendo no seu processo de amadurecimento) é mais importante que apenas a redução de sintomas.

O público alvo da minha intervenção são pessoas adultas (a partir dos 21 anos).


  • Primeira consulta
    Duração de 90 min
  • Consultas seguintes
    Duração de 55 min


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Psicoterapia Online

Psicoterapia Online

Destinada a portugueses que estejam a viver fora do país ou da área da Grande Lisboa, as consultas são efetuadas via GoogleMeet. Têm a mesma duração que as presenciais e estão sujeitas ao mesmo processo: primeiro uma consulta de avaliação (1ª consulta) de 90 minutos onde se verifica a viabilidade para existir esse acompanhamento. Se houver indicação para continuar, as sessões seguintes serão de 55 minutos. O processo decorre de forma semelhante à presencial, com as devidas restrições. Nem todas as situações são adequadas para trabalhar online. Recomendo que seja sempre primeiro ponderada a possibilidade de ter um terapeuta em presença.

No caso das sessões online os pagamentos são efetuados até 48h antes da sessão marcada.


  • Primeira Sessão
    Psicoterapia online via Google Meet
    Duração de 90m
  • Sessões seguintes
    Psicoterapia online via Google Meet
    Duração de 55 min.
Não indicada para todas as pessoas/situações. Visa ser utilizada principalmente em situações de impossibilidade de estar presente (como em questões de saúde), residência fora da cidade (>50 km) ou país.


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Psychotherapy for Expats

Psychotherapy for Expats

If you are living in Setúbal or nearby and you are feeling sad, anxious, or having some difficulties in your relationships, therapy might help.

It’s always better, in my opinion, to have a therapist in your mother language. But also, to have a therapist in person rather than online. Sometimes both options are not available when we are abroad so in case you want to give it a try, I am happy to have you for one session (90 min) and we can sort out if this is a good way to work for you ( or if I can be the one!).

I am a clinical psychologist with more than 15 years of experience. I work with adults (>21) and I have experience in trauma, personality disorders, anxiety, and depression. I am an integrative psychotherapist, working mainly for the last 6 years in the relational body psychotherapy approach, but my background is psychoanalytic psychotherapy, basic knowledge in CBT, and level 2 in  EMDR.

Recently, I started the Bodynamic Foundation course, which is bringing me some of the connection dots for all I’ve been learning so far, especially connecting body and mind.


  • First Session
    Duration 90 min
  • Follow up
    Duration 55 min


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Se és estagiário/a em psicologia clínica ou profissional, a supervisão de casos é importante na tua formação e desenvolvimento. Podes escolher supervisão individual (55 min por sessão) ou em pequeno grupo (90 min de 2 a 3 pessoas).


  • Primeira sessão
    Duração de 55 min
  • Sessões seguintes
    Duração de 55 min
  • Pequeno grupo (2 a 3)
    Duração de 90 min
    Preço por pessoa


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Casa da Árvore Psicoterapia
Casa da Árvore Psicoterapia


Psychotherapy is an empirically validated method of treatment, with a specific theoretical model and its own techniques. There are several psychotherapies, the best known being Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, Psychoanalytic, Systemic, Humanistic, or Body Therapy, among others. Each model aims to help the person improve their mental health, reduce symptoms and/or identify strategies for one to live as healthy as possible, in line with their personality and values. In this sense, Psychotherapy does NOT aim at changing the individual, but the way he experiences and thinks about his subjectivity. The way in which each model works or focus differs, meaning each psychotherapist, depending on their training, will address the issue brought up by the person according to that perspective. Therefore, it is easy to understand that there is no psychotherapy that is better than another, but different psychotherapies (and psychotherapists) for different situations and people.

My basic training was based on Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy and most of the way I conceptualize cases has a great influence on this model. However, based on the number of different pieces of training I have been going through, my approach is mostly integrative. In the last 8 years, I have been dedicated to relational body psychotherapy, being in a practitioner training in Bodynamic Therapy, a model in which motor and psychological functions are both important and meaningful to understand human development.

In my sessions, I also integrate strategies from CBT and EMDR.

A session might look like a more traditional one (verbal) or/ and use resources from the body, such as some exercises. The approach is process oriented and that means the aim is not just symptom reduction but also focus on the way one processes and integrates their questions (and how the development occurs).

My work is destinated to adults (from 21 years on).


  • First session
    90 min duration
  • Follow Up
    55 min duration


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Psicoterapia Online

Online Psychotherapy

Aimed at Portuguese people who are living outside the country or in the Metropolitan Lisbon area, sessions are carried out via Google Meet. They have the same duration as the face-to-face sessions and are subject to the same process: first an evaluation session (1st session) of 90 minutes where the viability of this follow-up is verified. If indicated to continue, subsequent sessions will be 55 minutes long. The process takes place in a similar way to face-to-face, with the necessary restrictions. Not all situations are suitable for working online. I recommend that you always first consider the possibility of having a therapist in person.

In the case of online sessions, payments are made up to 48 hours before the scheduled session.
Online psychotherapy sessions last 55 minutes.


  • First session
    Online psychotherapy via Google Meet)
    90m duration
  • Follow Up
    Online psychotherapy via Google Meet
    55 min duration.

Not suitable for all people/situations. It is intended to be used mainly in situations where it is impossible to be in presence (such as health issues), residence outside the city (>50 km) or country.


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Psychotherapy for Expats

Psychotherapy for Expats

If you are living in Setúbal or nearby and you are feeling sad, anxious, or having some difficulties in your relationships, therapy might help.

It’s always better, in my opinion, to have a therapist in your mother language. But also, to have a therapist in person rather than online. Sometimes both options are not available when we are abroad so in case you want to give it a try, I am happy to have you for one session (90 min) and we can sort out if this is a good way to work for you ( or if I can be the one!).

I am a clinical psychologist with more than 15 years of experience. I work with adults (>21) and I have experience in trauma, personality disorders, anxiety, and depression. I am an integrative psychotherapist, working mainly for the last 6 years in the relational body psychotherapy approach, but my background is psychoanalytic psychotherapy, basic knowledge in CBT, and level 2 in  EMDR.

Recently, I started the Bodynamic Foundation course, which is bringing me some of the connection dots for all I’ve been learning so far, especially connecting body and mind.


  • First session
    90 min duration
  • Follow Up
    55 min duration


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If you are an intern in clinical or professional psychology, case supervision is important in your training and development. You can choose individual supervision (55 min per session) or small group supervision (90 min for 2 to 3 people).


  • First session
    55 min duration
  • Follow Up
    55 min duration
  • Small group (2 to 3)
    90 min duration
    Price per person


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